Shellshock, bug bash ...
Gianmarco Giovannelli
2014-09-26 07:00:10 UTC
>A "deadly serious" bug potentially affecting hundreds of millions of
>computers, servers and devices has been discovered.
>The flaw has been found in a software component known as Bash, which
>is a part of many Linux systems as well as Apple's Mac operating system.
>The bug, dubbed Shellshock, can be used to remotely take control of
>almost any system using Bash, researchers said.
>Experts said it was more serious than the Heartbleed bug discovered in April.
>"Whereas something like Heartbleed was all about sniffing what was
>going on, this was about giving you direct access to the system," Prof
>Alan Woodward, a security researcher from the University of Surrey,
>told the BBC.
>"The door's wide open."
>Some 500,000 machines worldwide were thought to have been vulnerable
>to Heartbleed. But early estimates, which experts said were
>conservative, suggest that Shellshock could hit at least 500
million machines.
>The problem is particularly serious given that many web servers are
>run using the Apache system, software which includes the Bash component.

Fonti varie sul web:

Io uso tcsh e non mi tange, pero' sembra che affligga anche altri
componenti third party (tipo apache, che non uso comunque :-)

Best Regards,
Gianmarco Giovannelli , "Unix expert since yesterday"
Davide D'Amico
2014-09-26 07:09:19 UTC
Non credo colpisca apache di per sÚ, quanto i server (routerini, etc etc)
con script cgi che usano bash.
On 26 Sep 2014 08:00, "Gianmarco Giovannelli" <***@gufi.org> wrote:

> >A "deadly serious" bug potentially affecting hundreds of millions of
> >computers, servers and devices has been discovered.
> >
> >The flaw has been found in a software component known as Bash, which
> >is a part of many Linux systems as well as Apple's Mac operating system.
> >
> >The bug, dubbed Shellshock, can be used to remotely take control of
> >almost any system using Bash, researchers said.
> >
> >Experts said it was more serious than the Heartbleed bug discovered in
> April.
> >
> >"Whereas something like Heartbleed was all about sniffing what was
> >going on, this was about giving you direct access to the system," Prof
> >Alan Woodward, a security researcher from the University of Surrey,
> >told the BBC.
> >
> >"The door's wide open."
> >
> >Some 500,000 machines worldwide were thought to have been vulnerable
> >to Heartbleed. But early estimates, which experts said were
> >conservative, suggest that Shellshock could hit at least 500 million
> machines.
> >
> >The problem is particularly serious given that many web servers are
> >run using the Apache system, software which includes the Bash component.
> Fonti varie sul web:
> https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/current-activity/2014/09/24/
> Bourne-Again-Shell-Bash-Remote-Code-Execution-Vulnerability
> http://www.troyhunt.com/2014/09/everything-you-need-to-know-about.html
> Io uso tcsh e non mi tange, pero' sembra che affligga anche altri
> componenti third party (tipo apache, che non uso comunque :-)
> Best Regards,
> Gianmarco Giovannelli , "Unix expert since yesterday"
> http://utenti.gufi.org/~gmarco/
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Gianmarco Giovannelli
2014-09-26 07:27:29 UTC
At 09:09 26/09/2014, you wrote:

>Non credo colpisca apache di per se, quanto i server (routerini, etc
>etc) con script cgi che usano bash.

In ogni caso e' sempre, per me, un problema di altri :-) (almeno credo :-)

Best Regards,
Gianmarco Giovannelli , "Unix expert since yesterday"
Davide D'Amico
2014-09-26 07:29:37 UTC
Che poi non capisco perchÚ certe distribuzioni usino dash (debian shell) al
posto di /bin/sh. Certa gente io proprio non la capisco.

2014-09-26 8:27 GMT+01:00 Gianmarco Giovannelli <***@gufi.org>:

> At 09:09 26/09/2014, you wrote:
> Non credo colpisca apache di per se, quanto i server (routerini, etc etc)
>> con script cgi che usano bash.
> In ogni caso e' sempre, per me, un problema di altri :-) (almeno credo :-)
> Best Regards,
> Gianmarco Giovannelli , "Unix expert since yesterday"
> http://utenti.gufi.org/~gmarco/
> _______________________________________________
> Varie mailing list
> ***@gufi.org
> http://mailman.gufi.org/mailman/listinfo/varie

2014-09-26 10:16:01 UTC
l'unica cosa che mi manca nella tcsh rispetto a una bash e' il logging remoto dei conandi tramite syslog.

esiste una patch per tcsh ma e' un po' un accrocchio.

per il resto tcsh e sh sufficit.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 26/set/2014, at 09:29, Davide D'Amico <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> Che poi non capisco perchÚ certe distribuzioni usino dash (debian shell) al posto di /bin/sh. Certa gente io proprio non la capisco.
> 2014-09-26 8:27 GMT+01:00 Gianmarco Giovannelli <***@gufi.org>:
>> At 09:09 26/09/2014, you wrote:
>>> Non credo colpisca apache di per se, quanto i server (routerini, etc etc) con script cgi che usano bash.
>> In ogni caso e' sempre, per me, un problema di altri :-) (almeno credo :-)
>> Best Regards,
>> Gianmarco Giovannelli , "Unix expert since yesterday"
>> http://utenti.gufi.org/~gmarco/
>> _______________________________________________
>> Varie mailing list
>> ***@gufi.org
>> http://mailman.gufi.org/mailman/listinfo/varie
> --
> d.
> _______________________________________________
> Varie mailing list
> ***@gufi.org
> http://mailman.gufi.org/mailman/listinfo/varie
Riccardo Torrini
2014-09-26 19:03:10 UTC
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 09:00:10AM +0200, Gianmarco Giovannelli wrote:

> Io uso tcsh e non mi tange ...

Carino anche questo:

Riccardo. ( http://www.GUFI.org/~vic/ )